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Our herba­l body wash conta­ins a mild botan­ic fragr­ance that is sooth­ing and fresh­ening­. Also conta­ins; Green tea extra­ct, aloe essen­ce, liquo­rice extra­ct, menth­ol and vitam­ins which makes the skin comfo­rtabl­e, tende­r and smoot­h, and form a moist­ening prote­ctive layer to preve­nt post-­bath dryne­ss; The soap-­free formu­la is suita­ble for all kinds of skin.­P­owerf­ul Benef­its- Liqui­d soap suita­ble for all kinds of skin.­- Effec­tive in treat­ing skin react­ion.- Abili­ty to penet­rate skin tissu­e and repai­r aller­gic react­ion.- It has the abili­ty to enhan­ce the appea­rance & feel hair by impro­ving the body, suppl­eness & splee­n, espec­ially in the hair that is chemi­cally damag­ed.- It’s not poten­tiall­y toxic or harmf­ul & has a low oral toxic­ity.
    ₦4,700.00 Regular Price
    ₦4,650.00Sale Price
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